MHAEK PE Purpose: Restoring Honor within Homes, Schools, Community, and State.
Did you research and learn anything significant about “Relationship-Mapping” from the last post? Who coined this term, and how does its...
MHAEK PE Purpose: Restoring Honor within Homes, Schools, Community, and State.
MHAEK Parent Engagement (PE)
The 1st Order of MHAEK Operations is Spiritual Etiquette: Giving has Nothing to Do with Profits.
The 1st Order of MHAEK Operations is Spiritual Etiquette: Giving has Nothing to Do with Profits.
Hu-mility: Personal Armour
Forgive us, as we forgive those who come for us! (Matthew 6:12)
Align the First Commandment of the Bible with the God in you.
Live Alive!
Collaboration over Competiton
New Year, same God!